Hougang Market Opportunity Research for A & J Child Care Centre

Before you access your market research, please take note:

  1. The research is based on data from the Department of Statistics and the Ministry of Social and Family Development.

  2. The information in the research is focused on just your specific geographical area so as not to overestimate the findings.

  3. We focused specifically on the number of 2-6 year olds in your geographical area.

  4. We used dwelling types to determine the demographic income segments that fall in your target market.

  5. The number of 2-6 year olds in the respective dwelling types are projected based on the proportion of population in those dwelling types.

  6. The figures in the research include Singapore citizens & PRs only; they do not include expats.

Click the 'Access Market Research' button to view your market research.

A new browser tab will open up with your market research laid out in a Google online spreadsheet.

If you find the valuable research useful and want to take advantage of it to increase your enrollments, get in touch with us.

We can help you with the marketing so that you have the time, energy and profits to spend on what matters most - improving quality and making your pre-school the best it can be for your parents and their kids.

Just click the 'Contact Us Now' button to email us and we can arrange a no-obligation talk for you to find out more about how we can help increase your enrollments.